Friday, 27 April 2007

Joke of the Day!!

Southern Fried Chicken.. ya~!

One day Idiot F, Idiot J and Idiot Z when for dinner.

After ordering their food, Idiot Z suddenly ask a question,
"Ermm.. why is Southern Fried Chicken called Southern Fried Chicken?"

Idiot F replied, "Ask the owner of the shop, he will probably knows"

So Idiot Z when over to the owner and ask,
"Uncle! Why is Southern Fried Chicken called Southern Fried Chicken??"

Owner of the shop replied, "You see the guy there ya~"

Idiot Z, "Ya~"

Owner continues, "He frying the chicken ya~"

"Ya~", replied Idiot Z

"His name is Southern!", said the owner

Idiot Z, "OH YA!!"

Idiot Z went back and told the rest! All was amazed! But there go, they thank the owner.

Owner, "Hey John, they really believe you are called Southern.. Idiots!.. ya~"

Idiot Z :)

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