Wednesday 21 March 2007

tHe sTorY Of bAo, N@@dLe 'N' m33 PoK

ChapTer 1

1 day, n@odle quaRRel wITh mEAt bAo(bUn).

Th3y hAd a fIghT bT bAo wAs tOO cLuMsy N lOst Badly.

He was very angry and he told noodle to stay behind if he has the guts and he'll get his pals to assist him.

Meat bAo wEnT 2 fINd bReAd, mAn Tou, jiAn baO EtC 2 gEt THem 2 ReinRorce Him.

Along e way, they saw maggi m33. They "AH BISH!!" "AH BISH!!!" "AH BISH!!!!" and beat maggi m33 up AnD maggi m33 (@.@)?? beri puzzled why he kena beaten up.

He said, "Y u all beat me? WaD have I done to dEseRve tHis?"

The mEat baO saiD, " NooDle ! dUn thInk U pErM uR HAir TheN cAnnOt RecoGniSe u Ar!!!"



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I found this blog!