Monday 14 May 2007

Exams Preparation!!

For many today is the eve of our exams, but some is already in the midst of the battle of examination! Which moron invented exams? That was the question I try to find out eariler, but no luck. However, I found another article, which I found would be rather useful.

5 Things to do the day before the exam

1. Review Key Points

Notice the word REVIEW!! The day before your test is less than ideal to be first learning something. Hopefully you have already mastered the material, and it is just a matter of giving that material an extra polish.

2. Eat Well-balanced Meals

Remember the phrase, You are what you eat? Be sure to keep your body and your brain in peak condition by feeding it the nutrients it needs to perform at its best. Usually easier said than done. Might not make a BIG different, but sure would help.

3. Feed Your Ruminator

Whatever we spend time doing, thinking, and seeing in the 45 minutes before falling asleep is what our brains ruminate on throughout the night. So it’s to your advantage to feed it, the things you want to remember for the next day’s exam and not horror movie. You probably scare yourself awake in the middle of the day. Not something funny, or else you be very tired the next morning, cause you being laughing all night! Of course not something too sexy, or else you need to do laundry the next morning!! :P

4. Envisioning Your Success

Just before you drift off to sleep, create a picture of yourself successfully completing your exam. It’s most effective if you do it every night, but even one day before your exam could make a significant difference in creating better exam results.

5. Get A Good Night’s Sleep

You need your 7-8 hours of quality sleep to perform at your best. I being having quality sleep today too! But unfortunately I did not sleep at night. I napped! For those that going "What a lazy ass" well, A study at NASA on sleepy military pilots and astronauts found that a 40-minute nap improved performance by 34% and alertness 100%.

5 Things to do the morning before the exam

1. Eat Your Breakfast

Keep your body, mind and blood sugar in balance. You can always drink RED BULL!! The sugar free one. The non sugar free is too sweet. And try to hide your wings in the exam.

2. Do Light Exercise

Light exercise will help you feel good and energized, and help get more oxygen to your brain. Not very sure the definition of Light Exercise, maybe some Singapore Workout!! Dont what is a Singapore Workout? Nevermind, I believe some free ass around with do a post on that! :)

3. Do A Light Review

Glance through your exam preparation materials one more time, and do any last minute checks you feel you need.

4. Keep the Exam in Perspective

It’s just a test, not the end of life on this planet. Allow yourself to relax and let your worries go. But it is usually easier say than done.

5. Breathe

A lot of students tense up, and forget to breathe, or take shallow breaths. Be sure to breathe deeply from the diaphragm. This will help your muscles feel better and will help to clear your head and allow you to think better.

After my president, Francis wishes everyone luck. I would also wanted to end this post wishing everyone that read this post GOOD LUCK!!

So now you got DOUBLE LUCK!!

Zhiwei :)

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