Monday 9 April 2007

2008 Singapore F1 Circuit Track Layout !!!!

Although a deal has yet to be struck the planning for the street circuit in Singapore is well advanced with Hermann Tilke's engineering team having now come up with a masterplan for the track, although the actual layout came from Singapore itself. It is clear from this that there will need to be considerable work done to construct a pit and paddock area in what is currently the Marina Promenade Park.

If all goes to plan this will lead down to the vast Singapore Flyer, a Ferris wheel that will dominate the entire area. The track will go around this and then turn right and left to get on to Raffles Avenue from where it will run up to the junction with Esplanade Drive, where there will be a hairpin which will send the cars south across to the bridge to the Fullerton Hotel. The parallel bridge will be used for grandstands. In front of the Fullerton Hotel the track will turn to the right and cross the Singapore River to the Empress Place development and the Civic District. The track will then turn right down St Andrew's Road, passing City Hall and St Andrew's Cathedral. It will then go through an fast right-left onto Beach Road and will skirt around War Memorial Park, with the Raffles Hotel Complex on the left. It will then go down Raffles Boulevard before turning left into the Suntec City development at Temasek Boulevard. This will take the cars up to the circle in the centre of Suntec City. They will then go round the circle and exit on Temasek Avenue, back down to Raffles Boulevard, where a 90-degree lefthander will take the circuit under the motorway and back into the Marina Promenade Park.

hmmmm... sounds damn cool right?? but basically i got lost when the direction stated erhhhh.. "The track will go around this and then turn right and left to get on to Raffles Avenue from where it will run up to the junction with Esplanade Drive........." hahhha:P pardon me. im just damn bad with directions!!! but then again, reading this just reminds me of all the familiar road names and landmarks, im dying to go back to singapore!!!! :(:(

o wells. nuff of emoing.

let's end this with a lame joke i came up with that's so *brrrrrrrrrrrrr* i almost got whacked, slapped, kicked, stabbed, killed for coming up with it so randomly...

what do you call a Loser who's that EMO???????

mwaaaaaahahhhha an ELMO! *bleahhh*

- sabr!na :)
*above article provided by MaSOC EVENTS* hahhhahh the spy!!

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