Tuesday 10 April 2007

an apple a day. keeps the doctor away...

medical knowledge of the day :)

"The Media-Addicted Generation"

"Recent study has found that children aged 8-18 were watching TV, playing video games, on their computers, and listening to music for a total of 6 hours and 23 minutes EVERY DAY!"

so.. we are accustomed to hearing about alcohol and drug addiction, but what about this new phenomenon of being addicted to entertainment and media?

Media and entertainment addiction is essentially the compulsion for, devotion to and/or obsession with one or more types of media or entertainment. The addiction can be hard to recognize due to the fact that today's culture heavily endorses media and entertainment, but do check out the following warning behaviours and see if u're one of those slaves of media entertainment :P

warning signs!!

  1. Growing preoccupation: much of our time begins to be centred on one or more forms of media.
  2. Consequences: We begin to experience a variety of consequences as a result of over-involvement—such as withdrawal from friends, colleagues and family. AKA antisocial lo!!
  3. Pursuit of opportunities: We find ourselves constantly looking for opportunities to be entertained, looking for the next thrill.
  4. Defiance: An aggressive and rebellious behaviour often develops as we begin to act out behaviours learned from the media.
  5. Obsession and fantasy: We begin to spend much of our mental energy dreaming, scheming and envisioning attitudes or acts portrayed in the media.
  6. Tolerance: We slowly develop a tolerance for negative themes. Media forms that once excited and entertained us are now boring. We thirst for more excitement, more indulgence and more portrayals of action, violence and sex.
  7. Emotional mood swings: Some forms of media involve intense concentration and participation. After periods of involvement, there is a letdown. We may become impatient with rigid schedules and the slowness of reality.
  8. Overuse: There is an inability to set limitations. Excessive amounts of time are spent watching, interacting with and taking part in various forms of entertainment.
  9. Neglect of responsibilities: Regular activities and responsibilities in school, at work and at home are neglected. School grades drop, and work performance declines. :(:( Trust me on this :(:(:(
  10. Denial: When confronted or questioned on our over-indulgence, we respond with resentment, denial and avoidance of discussion.
  11. The state of the family: Often the environment and values of our family contribute to the addiction. Lack of accountability and lack of personal discipline encourage excessive involvement in media.
  12. Financial investment: An over-investment financially in rentals and purchases of magazines, videos and computer software is a further warning sign. hahha dun need to spend so much moolahhh!! just need a couple of pirates-friends. viola! freeee!! mwahahahahhh.

so guys and girls: DO LOOK OUT FOR THESE WARNING SIGNS, seek early treatment and tadaaaa!! nothing to affect your mugging month for exams:)

fyi. i have NO IDEA of whatsoever regarding to the treatments, if i do.. hmmmm i wouldnt be struggling between studying and youtubing/ msning/ blogging, net-surfing ..... and end up sucumbing to the latter.

i neeeeddddddd help tooo!!

sabr!na -dr. who?

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