Wednesday 18 April 2007

Suicide Method

In response of one of the member wanting to shoot herself, I, as a caring and concern friend and committee member, shall.......

Give your more option so you can choose :)

Burning (Self-Immolation)

Self-immolation is the act of setting oneself on fire; an accelerant such as gasoline is frequently used to hasten death. Burning to death can take several minutes to several hours, making this a painful way to expire. Death may result from smoke inhalation, shock, or, after a period of days, systemic failure. A person who survives self-immolation may still suffer extensive burns.

This definitely not recommended, unless you are really desperate to become damn
Male Ghost: *Whistle* “Oei chio bu!! Want dinner? Got some delicious candles here!!”


Jumping from a great height can shatter organs and tissues. If a person jumps from a bridge into water, the person may die by drowning rather than by impact, especially if the bridge lies low over the water.

But generally it is not recommend, because, as you jump halfway, your life will probably flash in front of you, and you might regret. You might not wanted to die half way through, but you cant change the course anymore. But of course, unless you drink red bull before you jump. Cause…. RED BULL GIVE YOU WINGS!!

Carbon monoxide poisoning

In most cases carbon monoxide is a product of combustion; for example, it can be released by cars and some types of heaters where there has been incomplete combustion.
Carbon monoxide is a colourless and odourless gas, so its presence cannot be detected. It is harmful to the human organism as the CO molecules lowering the body's oxygenation, eventually resulting in death.

Carbon monoxide is produce mainly by car. If you wanted to choose this option, you can rent a car from enterprise. Links is at the side of the blog. And remember, said you know “Francis” and you get 10% discount!! WOOHOO!! *So proud of my president* ^^


Brain or heart damage kills a person most quickly; however, the gun must be powerful enough for that to succeed. Usually place to aim are the side of forehead, in the mouth and in some cases the heart is chosen as a target, but it is harder to aim correctly. There are many cases of brain damage and severe physical trauma that do not result in loss of life.

Getting a gun here is difficult but not impossible. But it is probably so troublesome, you might give up committing suicide. Not a option for the less determined ones! :)

If you want a more comfortable option of being shot. Being shot by a guy.. With another gun. That would surely relieve some stress :p


Death will be instantaneous due to breaking of the neck. If the neck is not broken, severely deficient supply of oxygen due to the obstructed wind pipe will ultimately lead to death.

This is quite a ugly death. Your tougue will probably be sticking out and eye balls popping up like nobody business. And please, do get a stronger rope with you think you are heavy.


Suicide by drowning is the act of deliberately submerging oneself in water or other liquid and staying there long enough to prevent breathing and deprive the brain of oxygen. Genuine cases of drowning are determined by whether the victim's lungs are filled with water.

This is also another case of ugly death. Your face and body would probably be so bloated and wrinkled, noone will recognise you. Please! Do this only you are very desperate of swimming.


Sticking your fingers into the plugs, will cause a lethal electric shock that is able to kill. A high enough voltage can overcome the high resistance of the skin and pass a sizable current through the trunk. A large alternating current through the body can seriously disrupt nerve signals and can cause the heart to go into irregular contraction.

PS: People with fat fingers? Opps.. Try another option.

And of course, above is an only reference, not recommendation by the singsoc committee. Carrying out of any of the above acts will not be the responsibility. :):) And if you really felt stress and pressure, please.. look around at the greeneries and the people around! The world is still so beautiful!! Have a good break and a good laugh at the post and..


PS: I found all these information in wikipedia!! WTH!!


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